
Back to my 'Mswanderings's USA tour (Miami or bust)' blog

Incline Village, Nevada, United States
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Two people, one cat, one pickup, and eleven states.  (Okay, you Amazing Race fans, that sounds familiar, doesn't it.)  A grand adventure awaits.  We have lots to do before we leave.  Today Tuna had a complete physical.  She gained weight again, so it's back on a diet, definitely not something she enjoys.  We keep telling her how fun this trip will be but we're not getting positive feedback from her.  Well, hey, even 13-year old cats need road trips.  Yep, she'll turn 13 next month.  Perhaps she will wonder why she chose to adopt us ten years ago.

Our itinerary is set, maps highlighted, reservations made, packing list done.  Still need to get the Tojo undercoated and serviced, do a bit more shopping, and take care of lots of other things.  The glorious Tahoe summer has turned into cooler days and even some drizzle today, so it's a good time to get on the road.  We've been planning this trip since we bought the pickup in 2005 with the intent of bringing it to Anguilla, where it will be very handy.  Once we get to Fort Lauderdale, we'll ship the Tojo to its new home.

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Dreaming of the road trip?
Yeah, she is looking a bit fat. Maybe you can get her on a leash and take her for walks on your trip! I would love to hear stories about THAT! From Connie, on Sep 10, 2010 at 04:40AM
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