Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

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Kanab, Utah, United States
Monday, September 27, 2010

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is the largest animal sanctuary in the United States. On any given day, it houses some 1700 dogs, cats, horses, pot-bellied pigs, bunnies, birds, and a few other species.   Most are dogs and cats.  BFAS is located on 3700 acres in the hills five miles out of Kanab.  Volunteers come from all over to help the caregivers.  You're required to submit a detailed volunteer application, which we did several weeks ago.  Upon arrival, volunteers receive a 90-minute tour and a special orientation and are then given their assignments, based on the preferences they requested.  Mark asked to spend a shift each with cats and wild friends.  I requested two shifts with cats, one with dogs, and one with either (another) cats or with bunnies. 

What an amazing place this is.  It provides sanctuary not just to healthy adoptable companion animals but to those who will likely spend their lives at the sanctuary because of disability.  Many have very sad backgrounds prior to coming to the sanctuary.  The Michael Vick pit bulls were rescued by Best Friends and many have been adopted into loving forever homes after being socialized at the sanctuary; a few are still here.  There are rescues from hoarders, from abusers, from puppy mills, and other horrific situations.  Today we volunteered in an area devoted to special needs cats.  Many were victims of abuse.   One has no back legs, one is paralyzed in the back, one has only one eye, some have neurological problems. All are loved and living a full life in a caring environment with other special needs cats.  Perhaps a special family will come along and adopt some of these cats.  If not, they are guaranteed a long happy life at this no-kill sanctuary.

The facilities for all of the animals are fantastic.  Everyone has indoor and outdoor facilities, plenty of soft places to sleep, good food, all the special care they need by five full-time vets, caregivers, and volunteers.  Mark and I dreamed about what we could do with an acre in Anguilla and some of these ideas.

BFAS has a lovely dining room with an outdoor deck that overlooks the canyons and red rock cliffs.  It's open to employees and volunteers six days a week, serving a vegetarian buffet lunch.  Today we ate there and I recognized one of the founders, Faith Maloney.  I thanked her and she was so gracious. 

If you're interested in learning more about Best Friends Animal Society and the sanctuary, visit  There is also a very interesting book about the founding of Best Friends: "Best Friends: The True Story of the World's Most Beloved Animal Sanctuary" by Samantha Glen.   Some of you may have seen the National Geographic series "DogTown", which is about the dogs at BFAS.


Hi Mark and Sally , thanks for sharing this amazing trip with us all. It´s almost like being there and it´s also educating. Great scenery so far - nice pictures. I actually checked the map and have some ideas of where you might go next.... We are looking forward to next "pit stop". From Stefan G., on Oct 1, 2010 at 06:30AM

Pictures & Video

Head Rubbing with Carolina
Head Rubbing with Carolina
This is the lobby of one of the special needs buildings.
Welcome to Best Friends
Welcome to Best Friends
Indoor Cat Accommodations
Indoor Cat Accommodations
All cats have both indoor and outdoor accommodations, connected by regular and cat doors. They are all furnished a bit differently but offer luxurious accommodations with lots of choices for even the most finicky of cats.
Outdoor Cat Enclosure
Outdoor Cat Enclosure
This is one of the cat buildings' outdoor accommodations. There are several cat buildings, each housing different needs: some healthy, some with FIV, some with feline leukemia, some with special needs, one for kittens and nursing moms.
Some Cats Prefer the Rafters
Some Cats Prefer the Rafters
Some cats were feral when brought to the sanctuary and still prefer to live away from the crowd in the rafters. Food, water, litter, & beds are provided for them; that's why there are ladders in the outdoor enclosures.
Lots of Outdoor Space for Cats
Lots of Outdoor Space for Cats
Here you can see the ladder used by the staff to take care of the cats who like to live in the rafter area. All outdoor enclosures have great spots for napping, playing, climbing, and grooming.
Dining Room Deck
Dining Room Deck
Not a great photo of us but the view is amazing.
Lobby of Calmar Building
Lobby of Calmar Building
This is the lobby of Calmar, a building for cats with feline leukemia. I volunteered here my first afternoon. Lots of happy cats get to hang out in the lobby. Volunteers & staff can sit in the comfy chairs with cats in their laps. You can even choose a book and read to the cats.
Mark Walking Smokey
Mark Walking Smokey
Some stupid and cruel people decided it would be fun to stick a lit firecracker up Smokey's rectum. Thankfully she was rescued and brought to Best Friends, where the vets did surgery. She is a loving, gentle girl and loves her walks. She led Mark around her preferred spots.
What a beautiful girl she is. She decided to take a little break from her walk and just enjoy being outside with us.
She is a beautiful cat. It just amazes me just how cruel some people can be. From Paul, on Sep 30, 2010 at 04:56AM
Sally with Sinbad & Thumper
Sally with Sinbad & Thumper
Mark walked Sinbad, who decided to come over and say hi to me. Sinbad has some neurological problems and his head tilts a bit to the side. He's a great cat.
Sally with Thumper.jpg
Sally with Thumper.jpg
Thumper was attacked by a dog and her back end is paralyzed. When the caregiver asked me if I wanted to take Thumper for a walk, I wasn't sure what to expect. Before I could ask any questions, the caregiver opened the door & out scooted Thumper. She pulls herself with her front legs & can be quite fast at getting where she wants to to. At first she just enjoyed sitting in the flowers, later she pulled herself to the sandy dirt. We were outside for 90 minutes. She would have stayed for hours but it got quite hot so I finally carried her inside again.
Mark and Friends
Mark and Friends
Playing with some of the special needs cats.
Hey, I think Mark has one of Suzie's close cousins on his right. From Ross Miller, on Oct 5, 2010 at 07:03AM
Uh, make that Mark's left side. From Ross Miller, on Oct 5, 2010 at 07:04AM
Scooter was in a car accident and lost both back legs. She gets around pretty well by scooting along using her front legs. She's a sweet girl. She can't clean her back end so has to get "butt baths" every day, which she doesn't like.
Gotta Keep Hydrated
Gotta Keep Hydrated
BFAS is in high desert & it's been unnaturally hot this week, in the high 90s.
Angels Rest
Angels Rest
Angels Rest is the sanctuary cemetery. Most of those buried here are sanctuary animals. When there is a breeze, the many wind chimes sing. It is a beautiful, peaceful, serene place.
Angels Rest
Angels Rest
This is just one small section of Angels Rest.
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