Quoth the Raven

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Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, United States
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Up early again, dragging ourselves out of bed this morning.  It was freezing, in the low 20s, and also foggy.  We caught sight of a nice bull elk at the river's edge, with three females in the forest above him.  When he got wind of us he joined the females.  We drove a bit further and stopped at another spot.  We could hear at least two elk bugling but didn't catch sight of them.  By 8:30am it had warmed up to 29 degrees; brrr.  We went to the pull out where people are always looking for wolves and we saw two of them in the distance.  Since we'd had such great wolf sightings before, we didn't stay long.  We didn't see anything special at our other favorite stopping point.  As usual, we saw lots of buffalo along the road; we see hundreds every day.

On the way back to the lodge we saw a coyote in a meadow.  He was quite close and we watched him hunt.  We saw him catch three or four things, presumably rodents.  The first we could see in his mouth.  He was a good looking coyote; all the ones we've seen here are healthy looking and have pretty coats and fluffy tails.  They are different and nicer looking than the coyotes we saw in South Africa.  After he got a distance from us, we continued and stopped just north of Fishing Bridge, where I had spotted two great blue herons.  We stopped at Fishing Bridge and when we came out of the store (we keep looking for cat litter to no avail) there was a raven sitting on the roof of the car!  He seemed quite content there.  Was he tired of flying?  Did he just think it would be cool to take a ride on the Z4?

We spent the rest of the day doing laundry, reading, working on photos and the blog, and getting ready to leave tomorrow.

Pictures & Video

That would look really good on a "T" or sweatshirt - what a superb photo.Mutti From Inge Baumwell, on Oct 1, 2011 at 04:20AM
Foggy Morning Fog Over the Yellowstone River
Fog Over the Yellowstone River
Bull Elk Foggy Morning Coyote Hunting Coyote Hunting Coyote Hunting Coyote with a Catch
Coyote with a Catch
It's so cool. From Charlotte, on Oct 5, 2011 at 03:33AM
Coyote Hunting Coyote Coyote Coyote Coyote Yellowstone River
Yellowstone River
Coyote in foreground.
Hot Bubbling Spring
Hot Bubbling Spring
Boil, boil, toil and trouble
Boil, boil, toil and trouble
Blue Herons Mark at Fishing Bridge
Mark at Fishing Bridge
There were "no fishing for one mile" signs at Fishing Bridge.
View from Fishing Bridge
View from Fishing Bridge
View from Fishing Bridge
View from Fishing Bridge
View from Fishing Bridge
View from Fishing Bridge
Raven on Z4 Raven on Z4
Raven on Z4
What a good looking blond ! From Mutti, on Oct 1, 2011 at 04:22AM
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